Why we help Igor?

In January the 8th, 2010 Igor was diagnosed Rhabdomyosarcoma, a type of cancer, Embryonal type - located in the inner ear, in the meninges, the worst possible location.

Igor is 4 years and 5 months old. He lives in Poland, in Oświęcim (60 km from Cracow), together with his beloved brother Janosz, Mom Monika, Dad Albert and Grandmother Marysia.
Igor is at the age of our daughter Antosia and his parents – our great friends whom we can always rely on and who often assisted people in difficult situations. Albert, Igor’s father, a year ago organized charity event on a mass scale by which enormous amount of money was collected for Patrick, a little boy suffering from Cystic Fibrosis.
He did not expect that a year later he would be distributing posters, informing about a charity concert for his sick son.

if you want to send money for Igor's treatment

IBAN no: PL31 1240 1037 1978 0010 1651 3186
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for Igor Bartosz

Thursday, February 4, 2010

General discription of Igor's disease

• October 2008 - there are frequent infections of the inner ear - Igor requires constant laryngological attention
• In April 2009 - a chronic right ear infection and a significant right ear hearing loss; the treatment directed to removing swollen adenoids and ear tubes assumption (Adenoidectomy)
• due to repetitive infections the operation is postponed twice, finally in December 2009 Igor goes to the Pediatric Hospital in Bielsko-Biala, where during the routine examination before the treatment a right ear polyp is found
• December 17, 2009 – the swollen tonsil is removed. Samples of the polyp are collected and sent for histopathological examination
CT scan of the head is performed
histopathological examination is negative
Igor is directed to the University Children's Hospital in Prokocim to remove the polyp (probable diagnoses: Cholesteatoma, or granulation)
• 23 December, and January 4, 2010 - a visit to the University Children's Hospital in Prokocim
in this period bloody and purulent leaks from the ear appear, the polyp grows and starts to be visible to the bare eye, ear aches become frequent.
• January 6, 2010 - resonance of the head is performed, which confirms extensive change, but as we were informed - it was an infection
• January 8, 2010 - the ear polyp has been terminated, and sent to a histopathological examination
The result of the preliminary examination under a microscope gave as a diagnose: it is soft tissue cancer - Rhabdomyosarcoma , unfortunately located in the place where it is not possible to perform any operation
• Saturday, January 10, 2010 we went to Prokocim on the Oncology Department
This weekend we started a thorough examination
(ECG, CT abdomen, chest, ultrasound of the neck, groin, lymph nodes – result negative, bone marrow biopsy - ok, the trepanobiopsy - waiting for results)
The first good news – there is no metastasis!
• January 13, 2010 we began the fight against cancer
Igor was given first chemotherapy - cytostatics: Cosmegen Lyonach, Vincristin and Macdafen
scheduled treatment: four series of chemotherapy followed by resonance of the head and then the decision to integrate radiotherapy or surgical treatment if the tumour decreases,
then another 4 series of chemotherapy

In the meantime, Igor’s parents started to search for information. They are wondering whether the planned treatment is the most effective for this type of tumour, making appointment to consult the Child Health Center in Warsaw, they learn about the groundbreaking method of treating nearly inoperable tumors of the head, used to treat sarcoma - that is, proton therapy, which is possible in Germany, France and the U.S..
Its cost is about 19 to 30 thousand Euro.

Rotary Club Oświęcim has translated the documentation into German and sent for consultation to experts. We're still waiting for a reply.

Igor's parents made a decision to switch to a restrictive diet, and support the fight with unconventional methods – using supplements.

However, without the enormous financial resources it is not possible to get effective treatment with modern methods abroad. Without support it is not realistic for an average Polish family…

Therefore, in this hard time, Friends of Igor and his Family and even strangers often show them great support. What surprises most is the fact that all sides are beginning to donate money – something extremely important for them at this time. An effective treatment to the desired level is not possible without huge financial resources. This money is collected by people who have decided to be with them at this difficult time. How can we remain indifferent?

While children from Igor’s kindergarten organised a nativity play in St. Maximilian Church and pray for his return – we, being 3 thousand kilometres away are not going to remain passive. We are collecting money.
Please help us to cure the little boy who one day will tell you a story about the gift he received, the gift fragranced by the Kilrush Gulf Stream ...
Albert, Igors’ father, once wrote "every sunny day begins with a deep night".

Together with Igor’s parents we strongly believe that the sun will shine again. We will do everything to make it happen. We are pleased that in this battle, our friends, were not left alone also because of you.

Thank you.